On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 9:59 PM, Artom Lifshitz <alifs...@redhat.com> wrote:

> > Adding
> > claims support later on wouldn't change any on-the-wire messaging, it
> would
> > just make things work more robustly.
> I'm not even sure about that. Assuming [1] has at least the right
> idea, it looks like it's an either-or kind of thing: either we use
> resource tracker claims and get the new instance NUMA topology that
> way, or do what was in the spec and have the dest send it to the
> source.
> That being said, I still think I'm still in favor of choosing the
> "easy" way out. For instance, [2] should fail because we can't access
> the api db from the compute node. So unless there's a simpler way,
> using RT claims would involve changing the RPC to add parameters to
> check_can_live_migration_destination, which, while not necessarily
> bad, seems like useless complexity for a thing we know will get ripped
> out.
> When we reviewed the spec, we agreed as a community to say that we should
still get race conditions once the series is implemented, but at least it
helps operators.
Quoting :
"It would also be possible for another instance to steal NUMA resources
from a live migrated instance before the latter’s destination compute host
has a chance to claim them. Until NUMA resource providers are implemented
[3] <https://review.openstack.org/#/c/552924/> and allow for an essentially
atomic schedule+claim operation, scheduling and claiming will keep being
done at different times on different nodes. Thus, the potential for races
will continue to exist."

So, my own opinion is that yes, the "easy" way out is better than no way.
>From what I undertand (and let's be honest I hadn't time to look at your
code yet), your series don't diverge from the proposed implementation so I
don't see a problem here. If, for some reasons, you need to write an
alternative, just tell us why (and ideally write a spec amendment patch so
the spec is consistent with the series).


[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/576222/
> [2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/576222/3/nova/compute/manager.py@5897
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