This is the weekly summary of work being done by the Technical Committee members. The full list of active items is managed in the wiki:
We also track TC objectives for the cycle using StoryBoard at:!/project/923 == Recent Activity == Project updates: * PowerVMStackers following stable policy * Add openstackclient to Chef OpenStack Other approved changes: * provide more detail about the expectations we place on goal champions Office hour logs from last week: * * * I posted my summary of the joint leadership meeting held between the Foundation Board, User Committee, and TC at the summit: == Ongoing Discussions == The TC has started planning for more active tracking of the work of project teams and SIGs, to identify inter-group issues earlier and to help work through them as needed. The first step in the process is to have TC members attached as liaisons to all of the groups. When all TC members have had a chance to sign up as liaisons for teams where they are already active, I will make assignments to fill out the roster so that all teams are covered. * * The resolution laying out the Python 2 deprecation timeline and deadline for supporting Python 3 has enough votes to be approved, but we had several TC members traveling last week so I am going to hold it open until 12 June in case anyone else has comments. * The governance change to add a "Castellan-compatible key store" to the base services list is up for review. * The first batch of git repositories for StarlingX, containing only projects that are not forks of anything else, have been imported. * == TC member actions/focus/discussions for the coming week(s) == I have proposed a small change to the house-rules clarifying how typo fixes proposed by the chair should be handled. * TC members, please sign up as a liaison to project teams and SIGs (see above). == Contacting the TC == The Technical Committee uses a series of weekly "office hour" time slots for synchronous communication. We hope that by having several such times scheduled, we will have more opportunities to engage with members of the community from different timezones. Office hour times in #openstack-tc: * 09:00 UTC on Tuesdays * 01:00 UTC on Wednesdays * 15:00 UTC on Thursdays If you have something you would like the TC to discuss, you can add it to our office hour conversation starter etherpad at: Many of us also run IRC bouncers which stay in #openstack-tc most of the time, so please do not feel that you need to wait for an office hour time to pose a question or offer a suggestion. You can use the string "tc-members" to alert the members to your question. If you expect your topic to require significant discussion or to need input from members of the community other than the TC, please start a mailing list discussion on openstack-dev at and use the subject tag "[tc]" to bring it to the attention of TC members. __________________________________________________________________________ OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) Unsubscribe: