
We are glad to present this week's priorities and subteam report for Ironic. As 
usual, this is pulled directly from the Ironic whiteboard[0] and formatted.

This Week's Priorities (as of the weekly ironic meeting)

Weekly priorities
- Bios interface support
    - BIOS Settings: Add BIOSInterface : https://review.openstack.org/507793
    - BIOS Settings: Add BIOS caching: https://review.openstack.org/512200
    - Add Node BIOS support - REST API: https://review.openstack.org/512579
- Hardware type cleanup
    - https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+topic:hw-types
    - https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:api-jobs to unblock api CI test 
- Python-ironicclient things
    - Accept a version on set_provision_state
        - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/557850/
    - Wire in header microversion into client negotiation
        - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/558027/
- Remaining Rescue patches
    - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/528699/ - Tempest tests with nova (This 
can land after nova work is done. But, it should be ready to get the nova patch 
reviewed.) (Rebased by TheJulia 20180416)
- Management interface boot_mode change
    - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/526773/
- Bug Fixes
    - Any this week?
- House Keeping:

Vendor priorities
    Patches in works for SDK update, but not posted yet, currently rebuilding 
third party CI infra after a disaster...
    RFE and first several patches for adding UEFI support will be posted by 
Tuesday, 1/9
    None - a few works are work in progress
    None at this time - No subteam at present.
    Fix XClarity parameters discrepancy: 

Bugs (dtantsur, vdrok, TheJulia)
- (TheJulia) Ironic has moved to Storyboard. Dtantsur has indicated he will 
update the tool that generates these stats.
- initial version (much fewer features): 
- Stats (new version, no diff this time):
- Total bugs: 283
-  of them untriaged: 256
- Total RFEs: 238
-  of them untriaged: 27
- HIGH bugs with patches to review:
- Clean steps are not tested in gate 
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1523640: Add manual clean step ironic 
standalone test https://review.openstack.org/#/c/429770/15
    - Needs to be reproposed to the ironic tempest plugin repository.
- prepare_instance() is not called for whole disk images with 'agent' deploy 
interface https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1713916:
    - Fix ``agent`` deploy interface to call ``boot.prepare_instance`` 
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/499050/ MERGED - Backport to stable/queens 


Deploy Steps (rloo, mgoddard)
- spec for deployment steps framework has merged: 
- waiting for code from rloo, no timeframe yet

BIOS config framework(zshi, yolanda, mgoddard, hshiina)
- status as of 30 April 2018:
    - Spec: 
    - List of ordered patches:
        - BIOS Settings: Add DB model: https://review.openstack.org/511162    
agreed that column type of bios setting value is string, blocked by the gate 
failure MERGED
        - Add bios_interface db field https://review.openstack.org/528609       
   many +2s, can be merged soon after the patch above is merged MERGED
        - BIOS Settings: Add DB API: https://review.openstack.org/511402        
1x +1, actively reviewed and updated MERGED
        - BIOS Settings: Add RPC object https://review.openstack.org/511714 
        - Add BIOSInterface to base driver class 
        - BIOS Settings: Add BIOS caching: https://review.openstack.org/512200
        - Add Node BIOS support - REST API: https://review.openstack.org/512579

Conductor Location Awareness (jroll, dtantsur)
- story: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2001795
- (April 30) spec has good feedback, one issue to resolve, should be able to 
land this week
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/559420/ needs update

Reference architecture guide (dtantsur, jroll)
- story: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2001745
- status as of 30 April 2018:
    - Dublin PTG consensus was to start with small architectural building 
    - list of cases from the Denver PTG - see in the story
    - nothing new this week

Graphical console interface (mkrai, anup-d-navare, TheJulia)
- status as of 30 Apr 2018:
    - No update - Have not had a chance to get to this yet this cycle. Goal for 
the cycle was a plan, not necessarily implementation.
    - VNC Graphical console spec: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/306074/
        - needs update, address comments
    - nova blueprint: 
    - Spec has updated for review (anupn)

Neutron event processing (vdrok)
- status as of 30 April 2018:
    - spec at https://review.openstack.org/343684
        - Needs update
    - WIP code at https://review.openstack.org/440778
        - code rewrite done, should be able to test it this week and get on 
review, spec update coming afterwards


Make nova flexible with ironic API versions (TheJulia)
Status as of 23 APR 2018:
    (TheJulia) No update this week. Alternatively existing functionality could 
be used. The rescue patch for nova might end up landing with a version list. 
I've checked with some nova folks and they are on board with that option as a 
short term compromise.
    (TheJulia) We need python-ironicclient reviews which would be required to 
do this

Storyboard migration (TheJulia, dtantsur)
Status as of Apr 30th.
    - Done with moving data.
    - dtantsur to rewrite the bug dashboard
        - in progress https://github.com/dtantsur/ironic-bug-report
            - suggestions welcome

Management interface refactoring (etingof, dtantsur)
- Status as of 23 Apr:
    - boot mode in ManagementInterface: 
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/526773/ active review

Getting clean steps (rloo, TheJulia)
- Stat as of April 22nd 2018
    - spec: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/507910/ - Updated

Project vision (jroll, TheJulia)
- Status as of April 16:
    - jroll still trying to find time to collect enough thoughts for an email

SIGHUP support (rloo)
- Status as of April 30
    - ironic Done
    - ironic-inspector: Done
        - doesn't use oslo.service because not sure if can use flask with it
        - https://review.openstack.org/560243 custom signal handling. MERGED
        - https://review.openstack.org/561823 oslo.service approach
    - networking-baremetal: Done https://review.openstack.org/561257 MERGED
- Reflected in community's goal: 
https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2001545, task 6377. MERGED!

Stretch Goals
NOTE: These items will be migrated into storyboard and will be removed from the 
weekly whiteboard once storyboard is in-place

Classic driver removal formerly Classic drivers deprecation (dtantsur)
- spec: 
- status as of 26 Mar 2018:
    - switch documentation to hardware types:
        - api-ref examples: TODO
        - update https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ironic/Drivers: TODO
            - or should we kill it with fire in favour of the docs?
    - ironic-inspector:
        - documentation: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/545285/ MERGED
            - backport: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/554586/
        - enable fake-hardware in devstack: 
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/550811/ MERGED
        - change the default discovery driver: 
    - migration of CI to hardware types
        - IPA: https://review.openstack.org/553431 MERGED
        - ironic-lib: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/552537/ MERGED
        - python-ironicclient: https://review.openstack.org/552543 MERGED
        - python-ironic-inspector-client: https://review.openstack.org/552546 
        - virtualbmc: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/555361/ MERGED
    - started an ML thread tagging potentially affected projects: 
    - bug needs to be fixed: "periodic tasks of non-classic driver Interfaces 
aren't run" https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2001884

Redfish OOB inspection (etingof, deray, stendulker)
- sushy Storage API -- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/563051/1

Before Rocky

CI refactoring and missing test coverage
- not considered a priority, it's a 'do it always' thing
- Standalone CI tests (vsaienk0)
    - next patch to be reviewed, needed for 3rd party CI: 
    - localboot with partitioned image patches:
        - Ironic - add localboot partitioned image test: 
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/502886/ Rebase/update required
        - when previous are merged TODO (vsaienko)
            - Upload tinycore partitioned image to tarbals.openstack.org
            - Switch ironic to use tinyipa partitioned image by default
- Missing test coverage (all)
    - portgroups and attach/detach tempest tests: 
    - adoption: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/344975/
        - should probably be changed to use standalone tests
    - root device hints: TODO
    - node take over
    - resource classes integration tests: 
    - radosgw (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1737957)

Queens High Priorities

Routed network support (sambetts, vsaienk0, bfournie, hjensas)
- status as of 12 Feb 2018:
    - All code patches are merged.
    - One CI patch left, rework devstack baremetal simulation. To be done in 
        - This is to have actual 'flat' networks in CI.
    - Placement API work to be done in Rocky due to:
    Challenges with integration to Placement due to the way the integration was 
done in neutron.
    Neutron will create a resource provider for network segments in Placement, 
then it creates an os-aggregate
    in Nova for the segment, adds nova compute hosts to this aggregate. Ironic 
nodes cannot be added to host-aggregates.
    I (hjensas) had a short discussion with neutron devs (mlavalle) on the 
    There are patches in Nova to add support for ironic nodes in 
        - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/526753/ allow compute nodes to be 
associated with host agg
        - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/529135/ (Spec)
    - Patches:
        - CI Patches:
        - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/392959/ Rework Ironic devstack 
baremetal network simulation
    - RFEs (Rocky)
        - https://bugs.launchpad.net/networking-baremetal/+bug/1749166
            - TheJulia, March 19th 2018: This RFE seems not to contain detail 
on what is desired to be improved upon, and ultimately just seems like 
refactoring/improvement work and may not then need an rfe.
        - https://bugs.launchpad.net/networking-baremetal/+bug/1749162
            - TheJulia, March 19th 2018: This RFE makes sense, although I would 
classify it as a general improvement. If we wish to adhere to strict RFE 
approval for networking-baremetal work, then I think we should consider this 
approved since it is minor enhancement to improve operation.

Rescue mode (rloo, stendulker)
- Status as on 12 Feb 2018
    - spec: 
    - code: 
    - ironic side:
        - all code patches have merged except for
            - Rescue mode standalone tests: 
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/538119/ (failing CI, not ready for reviews)
            - Tempest tests with nova: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/528699/
            - Run the tempest test on the CI: 
                - succeeded in rescuing: 
    - nova side:
        - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/ironic-rescue-mode:
            - approved for Queens but didn't get the ironic code (client) done 
in time
            - (TheJulia) Nova has indicated that this is deferred until Rocky.
        - To get the nova patch merged, we need:
            - release new python-ironicclient - Done
            - update ironicclient version in upper-constraints (this patch will 
be posted automatically)
            - update ironicclient version in global-requirement (this patch 
needs to be posted manually) Posted https://review.openstack.org/554673
        - code patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/416487/ Needs revision
        - CI is needed for nova part to land
            - tiendc is working for CI

Clean up deploy interfaces (vdrok)
- status as of 5 Feb 2017:
    - patch https://review.openstack.org/524433 needs update and rebase

Zuul v3 jobs in-tree (sambetts, derekh, jlvillal)
- Next TODO is to convert jobs on master, to proper ansible. NOT a high 
priority though.
    - (pas-ha) DNM experimental patch with "devstack-tempest" as base job 

OpenStack Priorities

Python 3.5 compatibility (Nisha, Ankit)
- Topic: 
    - this include all projects, not only ironic
    - please tag all reviews with topic "goal-python35"
- TODO submit the python3 job for IPA
- for ironic and ironic-inspector job enabled by disabling swift as swift is 
still lacking py3.5 support.
- anupn to update the python3 job to build tinyipa with python3
    - (anupn): Talked with swift folks and there is a bug upstream opened  
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/401397 for py3 support in swift. But this is 
not on their priority
    - Right now patch pass all gate jobs except agent_- drivers.
- (TheJulia) It seems we might not have py3 compatibility with swift until the 
T- cycle.

Deploying with Apache and WSGI in CI (pas-ha, vsaienk0)
- ironic is mostly finished
    - (pas-ha) needs to be rewritten for uWSGI, patches on review:
        - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/507067
- inspector is TODO and depends on 
    - delayed as the HA work seems to take a different direction
    - (TheJulia, March 19th, 2018) Perhaps because of the different direction, 
we should consider ourselves done?


Inspector (dtantsur)
- trying to flip dsvm-discovery to use the new dnsmasq pxe filter and failing 
because of bash 
- follow-ups being merged/reviewed; working on state consistency enhancements 
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/510928/ too (HA demo follow-up)

Bifrost (TheJulia)
- Also seems a recent authentication change in keystoneauth1 has broken 
processing of the clouds.yaml files, i.e. `openstack` command does not work.
    - TheJulia will try to look at this this week.


OneView (???)
- Oneview presently does not have a subteam.

Cisco UCS (sambetts) Last updated 2018/02/05
- Cisco CIMC driver CI back up and working on every patch
- Cisco UCSM driver CI in development
- Patches for updating the UCS python SDKs are in the works and should be 
posted soon

Until next week,

[0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicWhiteBoard

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