
Neutron agents communicate with server through RPC messages. So agent don't 
need to know how many servers are on the other end of queue to consume 
messages. If You will start new neutron-server it will connect to same rabbitmq 
as other servers and to same db and will start processing messages.
If Your new server should also process API requests, You should put You neutron 
server behind some load balancer and add new server as a backend to Your farm.

Best regards
Slawek Kaplonski

> Wiadomość napisana przez Frank Wang <wangpeihui...@126.com> w dniu 
> 22.03.2018, o godz. 03:25:
> Thanks for your response, another question is Does the compute nodes or 
> agents know how many neutron-servers running? I mean If there was a server 
> corrupt, they will automatically connect to other servers?
> Thanks,
> At 2018-03-21 18:14:47, "Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo" <majop...@redhat.com> wrote:
> You can run as many as you want, generally an haproxy is used in front of 
> them to balance load across neutron servers.
> Also, keep in mind, that the db backend is a single mysql, you can also 
> distribute that with galera.
> That is the configuration you will get by default when you deploy in HA with 
> RDO/TripleO or OSP/Director.
> On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 3:34 AM Kevin Benton <ke...@benton.pub> wrote:
> You can run as many neutron server processes as you want in an active/active 
> setup. 
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2018, 18:35 Frank Wang <wangpeihui...@126.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
>      As far as I know, neutron-server only can be a single node, In order to 
> improve the reliability of the system, Does it support the main backup or 
> active/active redundancy? Any comment would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
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