From reading the Masakari API Specifications commit 
I believe that the proper syntax for the host and segment creates is as follows:

masakari segment-create --name segment-1 --recovery-method auto --service-type 

masakari host-create --name <hostname> --type COMPUTE --control-attributes SSH 
--segment-id segment-1

let me know if this is correct,

From: Greg Waines <>
Reply-To: "" 
Date: Monday, January 22, 2018 at 10:59 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: [openstack-dev] [masakari] Questions on masakari CLI for hosts and 

masakari segment-create --name segment-1 --recovery-method auto --service-type 

For ‘service-type’,

·         what are the semantics of this parameter ?

·         what are the allowed values ?

·         what is a typical or example value ?

masakari host-create --name devstack-masakari --type xyz --control-attributes 
xyz --segment-id segment-1

For ‘type’,

  *   what are the semantics of this parameter ?
  *   what are the allowed values ?
  *   what is a typical or example value ?

For ‘control-attributes,

  *   what are the semantics of this parameter ?
  *   what are the allowed values ?
  *   what is a typical or example value ?

And what are the semantics of Masakari Failover Segments ?
My guess is that

·         hosts belong to one and only one masakari segment

·         when a host fails,
the VMs formerly running on that host will ONLY be recovered to other hosts 
within the same segment
Correct ?
Anything else ?

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