On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 10:01:13PM +0000, Kwan, Louie wrote:
> Would like to add the following module to openstack.masakari project
> https://github.com/pytransitions/transitions
> Got the following error with zuul requirements-check
> Requirement set([Requirement(package=u'transitions', location='', 
> specifiers='>=0.6.4', markers=u'', comment='', extras=frozenset([]))]) not in 
> openstack/requirements
> http://logs.openstack.org/88/534888/3/check/requirements-check/edec7bf/ara/
> Any tip or insight to fix it?

That error is caused by the dependency you're adding not being tracked in
global requirements. To add it to the masakari project you first have to 
add it to the openstack/requirements project.

The process for doing that is documented in:


That link also explains the reasoning behind why we handle adding dependencies
centrally like this.

-Matt Treinish

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