Hi, i've detected a performance issue by accessing an floating ip in a different openstack network (same tenant).
example: i have one tenant with two internal networks. each network has its own vrouter which is connectet to the extnet. the physical network infrastructure is 10Gbit/s. networkA VM1 ------| extnet |----|vrouter1|----| VM2 ------| | |---ext networkB | VM3 ------| | |----|vrouter2|----| VM4 ------| VM1 -> VM2 ~8,6Gbit/s VM3 -> VM4 ~8,6GBit/s VM1 -> vrouter1 ~8.6GBit/s VM4 -> vrouter2 ~8,6GBit/s vrouter1 -> vrouter2 ~8,6Gbits VM1 -> VM4 ~2,5GBit/s VM1 -> vrouter2 ~2,5Gbit/s detected with iperf3 it's an openstack newton environment with openvswitch 2.6.1 VXLAN mtu is 8950 and 9000 for physical interfaces does anybody has an idea what could be the cause of the performance issue? Best regards Kim __________________________________________________________________________ OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) Unsubscribe: openstack-dev-requ...@lists.openstack.org?subject:unsubscribe http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev