On 20/12/17 08:20, Zane Bitter wrote:
> Getting off-topic, but since you walked in to this one ;)
> On 14/12/17 21:43, Matt Riedemann wrote:
>> What are the real problems that the Nova team is not working on and
>> apparently is a priority to everyone else in the OpenStack ecosystem
>> but we are somehow oblivious?
> * Providing a secure channel to get credentials to guests so that
> applications running on them can authenticate to OpenStack APIs.

I'm trying to do that in Trove with Zaqar, if there is any interest,
please jump in #openstack-zaqar and let's have a talk.

> * Providing reliable, user-space notifications of events that may
> require application or application-operator intervention (e.g. VM
> reboot, hypervisor died, &c.).

We (Zaqar team) have been asked many times about this area but without a
support from more services, it's hard. I know Heat has some best
practice using Zaqar, is it possible to "copy" it to Nova/Cinder/Neutron?

> - ZB
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Cheers & Best regards,
Feilong Wang (王飞龙)
Senior Cloud Software Engineer
Tel: +64-48032246
Email: flw...@catalyst.net.nz
Catalyst IT Limited
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