Zane Bitter wrote:
Getting off-topic, but since you walked in to this one ;)

On 14/12/17 21:43, Matt Riedemann wrote:
What are the real problems that the Nova team is not working on and
apparently is a priority to everyone else in the OpenStack ecosystem
but we are somehow oblivious?

* Providing a secure channel to get credentials to guests so that
applications running on them can authenticate to OpenStack APIs.

* Providing reliable, user-space notifications of events that may
require application or application-operator intervention (e.g. VM
reboot, hypervisor died, &c.).

I'll add on.

* Clear workflow state (and transition) 'machine' that is followed in code and can be used by operators/others such as UI developers to get a view on what nova is or is not doing (may fit under the broad topic of observability?)

Take for example and ask yourself why nova-compute (or nova-conductor or nova-scheduler...) doesn't have an equivalent kind of 'viewer' (and no it doesn't need to be flower, that's just an example...)

- ZB

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