Excerpts from Richard Lee's message of 2013-12-10 09:46:49 -0800:
> Hey all,
> We're working on a
> blueprint<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/preview-stack>
> that
> adds the ability to preview what a given template+parameters would create
> in terms of resources.  We think this would provide significant value for
> blueprint authors and for other heat users that want to see what someone's
> template would create before actually launching resources (and possibly
> having to pay for them).
> We'd love to hear any thoughts regarding this feature

Thanks for starting with use cases. I like the use case of being able
to preview the damage this template will do to your bank account when
consuming templates without actually understanding the template language.

I'd love to see more details in the spec.

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