On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 2:07 PM, Luigi Toscano <ltosc...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday, 3 October 2017 14:31:05 CEST Thomas Goirand wrote:
>> On 10/02/2017 02:04 PM, Luigi Toscano wrote:
>> > Why not? Even if it does not fix the issue for proper installations,
>> > - it does not provent people from copying the files somewhere else (it
>> > happened in sahara for how long I can remember, we have been using
>> > data_files) - it fixes the deployment when the package is installed in a
>> > virtualenv; - it introduces consistency: the day data_files starts to do
>> > the right thing, everything will work; if it's not possible to fix it
>> > with data_files, it's easy to spot which files should be fixed because
>> > all handled by data_files.
>> >
>> > So definitely go for it.
>> >
>> > Ciao
>> Why not? Simply because installing config files in /usr/etc is silly.
>> The question would rather be: why not accepting the PBR patch...
> It is silly, but again, people consuming from deb or RPM won't notice it.
> People using pip and virtualenv will get those files; the others will get them
> (compared to the previous "no available").
> Sure, having the python tools install the files in the right directory is the
> ideal final solution. My point is that the proposed solution is not worse than
> the previous one and fixes at least one use case that was not previously
> covered (the one that can be easily fixed).
> --
> Luigi
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Agreed, let's continue and go ahead.

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