On 17.07.2017 23:13, Major Hayden wrote:
> On 07/04/2017 03:54 AM, Markus Zoeller wrote:
>> How do you deal with hosts which have a restrictive umask of 077
>> *before* openstack-ansible starts the setup? Do you start with the
>> default umask of 022 and opt-in later to that security hardening[1]?
> We don't test for that in the OpenStack-Ansible gates since those settings 
> from openstack-ansible-security/ansible-hardening are disabled by default. 
> It's possible to start with 022 and switch to 077 later, but that could cause 
> additional problems.
>> What's the development policy of openstack-ansible regarding setting
>> file or directory permissions in tasks?
>> * is a umask value of 022 assumed for tasks to work?
> Yes.
>> * should tasks always explicitly set the file/dir mode?
> They certainly should, and if they don't, we should adjust those tasks. I'd 
> rather be as explicit as possible to reduce the chances of problems down the 
> road if distribution defaults change.
A short grep in 'openstack-ansible' shows that the file permissions are
often not set. I used these commands:

$ grep -n -R "template:" --include \*.yml -A 5
$ grep -n -R "copy:" --include \*.yml -A 5

IIUC, we're using 'ansible-lint' for style checks. Does it make sense to
add a new rule which warns/enforces to set the mode (or group/user)?

Regards, Markus Zoeller (markus_z)

> --
> Major Hayden
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