On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 10:51 AM, Honza Pokorny <ho...@redhat.com> wrote:
> I'd like to write some integration tests for the TripleO UI.  Simple
> configuration checks, workflow tests, websocket tests, etc.
> I had a quick look at the tripleo-ci [1] repository, and it wasn't
> immediately obvious to me how to extend the existing infrastructure to
> add something like this.  It seems to me that the current way is just
> "stick some shell script here and here".  The tripleo.sh script is about
> 1,600 LOC and it look rather intimidating.
> I'm looking for help or pointers on how to do this.  Is there a standard
> way of accomplishing this?  Are there any helpers I should be aware of?
> Is there any documentation beyond what is in the git tree?
> Any help would be appreciated

I think we have 2 options here (which could also be mixed):

- Using tripleo-validatons and make sure we run it in CI.
- Write a tempest plugin for tripleo-ui (like Horizon has one:
https://github.com/openstack/tempest-horizon) (it could be
openstack/tempest-triploe-ui) for example. We could run the tempest
tests in the CI jobs (we're working on running Tempest on scenario
jobs, see efforts made in

Please do not implement tests in tripleo-ci or quickstart, I think we
need a way to test it outside CI and include it directly in the


> Thanks!
> Honza Pokorny
> [1]: https://github.com/openstack-infra/tripleo-ci
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