Looks like running tox will pass along any environment variables with the
prefix "OS_" from the shell to tox, see

So as long as you've sourced or exported a bunch of env. variables, you
should be ready to run tests. You don't and shouldn't run it with sudo

On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 2:25 AM, nidhi.h...@wipro.com <nidhi.h...@wipro.com>

> Hello all,
> I am running functional tests for openstackclient.
> By using this command sudo tox -efunctional
> *It gives me this error *
> setUpClass (openstackclient.tests.functional.volume.v3.test_
> snapshot.VolumeSnapshotTests)
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------
> Captured traceback:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>       File "openstackclient/tests/functional/volume/v3/test_snapshot.py",
> line 22, in setUpClass
>         super(VolumeSnapshotTests, cls).setUpClass()
>       File "openstackclient/tests/functional/volume/v2/test_snapshot.py",
> line 31, in setUpClass
>         cls.VOLLY
>       File "openstackclient/tests/functional/base.py", line 64, in
> openstack
>         return execute('openstack ' + cmd, fail_ok=fail_ok)
>       File "openstackclient/tests/functional/base.py", line 41, in execute
>         result_err)
>     tempest.lib.exceptions.CommandFailed: Command 'openstack volume
> create -f json --size 1 ee1a858057464f15b6488ec4f3c1da5d' returned
> non-zero exit status 1.
>     stdout:
>     stderr:
> *    Missing value auth-url required for auth plugin password*
> *Can someone tell me where do I need to configure environment variables*
> *So that functional tests run well?*
> *Any doc /url also will be helpful.*
> *Thanks*
> *Nidhi*
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