
We will miss you. Good luck!


On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 5:07 AM, John Davidge <>

> Friends and colleagues,
> It is with a heavy heart that I write to say my adventure in the OpenStack
> community is coming to an end. It began in 2012 with my first job as an
> intern at Cisco, and ends here as the Technical Lead for Neutron in the
> OpenStack Innovation Center at Rackspace.
> In that time I’ve worked with a great many wonderful people from all
> corners of this community, on a variety of projects that I’m proud to
> include my name in the commit logs. Thank you all for creating an exciting
> place to work, to debate, and occasionally to argue about the incredible
> democratizing power that is OpenStack. Your passion and expertise are an
> inspiration to the world.
> Regretfully, I’m leaving a void in both the Neutron team and the OpenStack
> Manuals team. Neutron will need a new Docs liaison, and OpenStack Manuals
> will need a new lead for the Networking Guide. The cross-project work
> we’ve done together over the last couple of cycles has been engaging and
> fulfilling, and I encourage anyone interested in either or both roles to
> get in touch with Kevin Benton and Alexandra Settle.
> Good luck and best wishes to all of you in the future.
> Until we meet again,
> John
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