> On Mar 22, 2017, at 5:48 AM, Ricardo Rocha <rocha.po...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> One simplification would be:
> openstack coe create/list/show/config/update
> openstack coe template create/list/show/update
> openstack coe ca show/sign

I like Ricardo’s suggestion above. I think we should decide between the option 
above (Option 1), and this one (Option 2):

openstack coe cluster create/list/show/config/update
openstack coe cluster template create/list/show/update
openstack coe ca show/sign

Both options are clearly unique to magnum, and are unlikely to cause any future 
collisions with other projects. If you have a preference, please express it so 
we can consider your input and proceed with the implementation. I have a slight 
preference for Option 2 because it more closely reflects how I think about what 
the commands do, and follows the noun/verb pattern correctly. Please share your 



> This covers all the required commands and is a bit less verbose. The
> cluster word is too generic and probably adds no useful info.
> Whatever it is, kerberos support for the magnum client is very much
> needed and welcome! :)
> Cheers,
>  Ricardo
> On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 2:54 PM, Spyros Trigazis <strig...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> IMO, coe is a little confusing. It is a term used by people related somehow
>> to the magnum community. When I describe to users how to use magnum,
>> I spent a few moments explaining what we call coe.
>> I prefer one of the following:
>> * openstack magnum cluster create|delete|...
>> * openstack mcluster create|delete|...
>> * both the above
>> It is very intuitive for users because, they will be using an openstack
>> cloud
>> and they will be wanting to use the magnum service. So, it only make sense
>> to type openstack magnum cluster or mcluster which is shorter.
>> On 21 March 2017 at 02:24, Qiming Teng <teng...@linux.vnet.ibm.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 03:35:18PM -0400, Jay Pipes wrote:
>>>> On 03/20/2017 03:08 PM, Adrian Otto wrote:
>>>>> Team,
>>>>> Stephen Watson has been working on an magnum feature to add magnum
>>>>> commands to the openstack client by implementing a plugin:
>>>>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/python-magnumclient+osc
>>>>> In review of this work, a question has resurfaced, as to what the
>>>>> client command name should be for magnum related commands. Naturally, we’d
>>>>> like to have the name “cluster” but that word is already in use by Senlin.
>>>> Unfortunately, the Senlin API uses a whole bunch of generic terms as
>>>> top-level REST resources, including "cluster", "event", "action",
>>>> "profile", "policy", and "node". :( I've warned before that use of
>>>> these generic terms in OpenStack APIs without a central group
>>>> responsible for curating the API would lead to problems like this.
>>>> This is why, IMHO, we need the API working group to be ultimately
>>>> responsible for preventing this type of thing from happening.
>>>> Otherwise, there ends up being a whole bunch of duplication and same
>>>> terms being used for entirely different things.
>>> Well, I believe the name and namespaces used by Senlin is very clean.
>>> Please see the following outputs. All commands are contained in the
>>> cluster namespace to avoid any conflicts with any other projects.
>>> On the other hand, is there any document stating that Magnum is about
>>> providing clustering service? Why Magnum cares so much about the top
>>> level noun if it is not its business?
>> From magnum's wiki page [1]:
>> "Magnum uses Heat to orchestrate an OS image which contains Docker
>> and Kubernetes and runs that image in either virtual machines or bare
>> metal in a cluster configuration."
>> Many services may offer clusters indirectly. Clusters is NOT magnum's focus,
>> but we can't refer to a collection of virtual machines or physical servers
>> with
>> another name. Bay proven to be confusing to users. I don't think that magnum
>> should reserve the cluster noun, even if it was available.
>> [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Magnum
>>> $ openstack --help | grep cluster
>>>  --os-clustering-api-version <clustering-api-version>
>>>  cluster action list  List actions.
>>>  cluster action show  Show detailed info about the specified action.
>>>  cluster build info  Retrieve build information.
>>>  cluster check  Check the cluster(s).
>>>  cluster collect  Collect attributes across a cluster.
>>>  cluster create  Create the cluster.
>>>  cluster delete  Delete the cluster(s).
>>>  cluster event list  List events.
>>>  cluster event show  Describe the event.
>>>  cluster expand  Scale out a cluster by the specified number of nodes.
>>>  cluster list   List the user's clusters.
>>>  cluster members add  Add specified nodes to cluster.
>>>  cluster members del  Delete specified nodes from cluster.
>>>  cluster members list  List nodes from cluster.
>>>  cluster members replace  Replace the nodes in a cluster with
>>>          specified nodes.
>>>  cluster node check  Check the node(s).
>>>  cluster node create  Create the node.
>>>  cluster node delete  Delete the node(s).
>>>  cluster node list  Show list of nodes.
>>>  cluster node recover  Recover the node(s).
>>>  cluster node show  Show detailed info about the specified node.
>>>  cluster node update  Update the node.
>>>  cluster policy attach  Attach policy to cluster.
>>>  cluster policy binding list  List policies from cluster.
>>>  cluster policy binding show  Show a specific policy that is bound to
>>>          the specified cluster.
>>>  cluster policy binding update  Update a policy's properties on a
>>>          cluster.
>>>  cluster policy create  Create a policy.
>>>  cluster policy delete  Delete policy(s).
>>>  cluster policy detach  Detach policy from cluster.
>>>  cluster policy list  List policies that meet the criteria.
>>>  cluster policy show  Show the policy details.
>>>  cluster policy type list  List the available policy types.
>>>  cluster policy type show  Get the details about a policy type.
>>>  cluster policy update  Update a policy.
>>>  cluster policy validate  Validate a policy.
>>>  cluster profile create  Create a profile.
>>>  cluster profile delete  Delete profile(s).
>>>  cluster profile list  List profiles that meet the criteria.
>>>  cluster profile show  Show profile details.
>>>  cluster profile type list  List the available profile types.
>>>  cluster profile type show  Show the details about a profile type.
>>>  cluster profile update  Update a profile.
>>>  cluster profile validate  Validate a profile.
>>>  cluster receiver create  Create a receiver.
>>>  cluster receiver delete  Delete receiver(s).
>>>  cluster receiver list  List receivers that meet the criteria.
>>>  cluster receiver show  Show the receiver details.
>>>  cluster recover  Recover the cluster(s).
>>>  cluster resize  Resize a cluster.
>>>  cluster run    Run scripts on cluster.
>>>  cluster show   Show details of the cluster.
>>>  cluster shrink  Scale in a cluster by the specified number of nodes.
>>>  cluster template list  List Cluster Templates.
>>>  cluster update  Update the cluster.
>>> - Qiming
>>>>> Stephen opened a discussion with Dean Troyer about this, and found
>>>> that “infra” might be a suitable name and began using that, and
>>>> multiple team members are not satisfied with it.
>>>> Yeah, not sure about "infra". That is both too generic and not an
>>>> actual "thing" that Magnum provides.
>>>>> The name “magnum” was excluded from consideration because OSC aims
>>>> to be project name agnostic. We know that no matter what word we
>>>> pick, it’s not going to be ideal. I’ve added an agenda on our
>>>> upcoming team meeting to judge community consensus about which
>>>> alternative we should select:
>>>>>> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2017-03-21_1600_UTC
>>>>> Current choices on the table are:
>>>>> * c_cluster (possible abbreviation alias for container_infra_cluster)
>>>>> * coe_cluster
>>>>> * mcluster
>>>>> * infra
>>>>> For example, our selected name would appear in “openstack …” commands.
>>>>> Such as:
>>>>> $ openstack c_cluster create …
>>>>> If you have input to share, I encourage you to reply to this thread, or
>>>>> come to the team meeting so we can consider your input before the team 
>>>>> makes
>>>>> a selection.
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