
A bit of context to make my question clearer: openstack/networking-bagpipe relies on bagpipe-bgp which is not an openstack project although done by the same people, and we would see a significant benefit in moving the code from github to openstack. This post does not relate to licence/CLA questions (all clear AFAIK, licence is Apache, all contributions by people who are also Openstack contributors). It does not relate to code style or lib dependencies either (there are a few things to adapt, which we have identified and mostly covered already).

The target would be: have the content of github's bagpipe-bgp repo become a sub directory of the networking-bagpipe repo, and then tweak setup.cfg/tox.ini so that this subdirectory becomes packaged and tested.

The question is: how to achieve that without squashing/losing all git history (and without pushing one gerrit change per existing commit in the current history) ?

Would the following work...?
- in the github repo: prepare a 'move_to_openstack' branch where all repo content is moved in a 'bagpipe_bgp' subdir
- in networking-bagpipe repo:
   * create a 'welcome_bagpipe_bgp' branch
* have a manual step where someone (infra team ?) adds the github repo as a remote and merges the remote 'move_to_openstack' branch into the 'welcome_bagpipe_bgp' local branch (without squashing). * in this 'welcome_bagpipe_bgp' branch do whatever is needed in terms of setup.cfg/requirements.txt/tox.ini ... * when everything is ready, merge the 'welcome_bagpipe_bgp' branch into master
- (in the gitub repo: replace the content with an explanation message)

(If the above does not work, what other possibility ?)


[1]  https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/bagpipe-bgp

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