Le 22/02/2017 05:14, Gyorgy Szombathelyi a écrit :
> Hi!
> As the placement API is mandatory in Ocata, I found out that you cannot give 
> a custom CA cert or skip the validation in its clients. That would be bad, as 
> you can give a custom CA cert in the [keystone_authtoken] section, but not in 
> the [placement] one, so if you're using this feature, you simply cannot use 
> Nova. I made a simple patch, it would be nice if it could land in Ocata.
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/436475/
> If it is accepted, I'll cherry-pick into stable/ocata.

Could you please open a bug for that so I would triage ?


> Br,
> György
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