Le 16/02/2017 18:42, Alex Schultz a écrit :
> On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 9:12 AM, Ed Leafe <e...@leafe.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 16, 2017, at 10:07 AM, Doug Hellmann <d...@doughellmann.com> wrote:
>>> When we signed off on the Big Tent changes we said competition
>>> between projects was desirable, and that deployers and contributors
>>> would make choices based on the work being done in those competing
>>> projects. Basically, the market would decide on the "optimal"
>>> solution. It's a hard message to hear, but that seems to be what
>>> is happening.
>> This.
>> We got much better at adding new things to OpenStack. We need to get better 
>> at letting go of old things.
>> -- Ed Leafe
> I agree that the market will dictate what continues to survive, but if
> you're not careful you may be speeding up the decline as the end user
> (deployer/operator/cloud consumer) will switch completely to something
> else because it becomes to difficult to continue to consume via what
> used to be there and no longer is.  I thought the whole point was to
> not have vendor lock-in.  Honestly I think the focus is too much on
> the development and not enough on the consumption of the development
> output.  What are the point of all these features if no one can
> actually consume them.

IMHO, I think the crux of the matter has been discussed previously and
said: it's how having collaboration between projects.

Noone can be seasoned by boiling the OpenStack ocean. It's wide, and you
need to build a boat.

That boat can be by having liaisons between deployment and service
projects. Or, by having influence within those projects - mutually.

Putting the burden on one side doesn't solve the problem. Rather, I'd by
far prefer to see communication at design stages (like for example
during the PTG).


> Thanks,
> -Alex
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