No -- attach volumes is not implemented in Ironic yet. I think it would be
great if someone wants to work on it. There was some discussion at the
summit about cinder support, in particular getting boot-from-volume to work
with Ironic, but no one has come forward since then with code or blueprints.


On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Rohan Kanade <>wrote:

> Hey guys, just starting out with Ironic, had a silly question.
> Can we attach bootable or non bootable plain cinder volumes during either
> provisioning of the baremetal instance or after provisioning the baremetal
> instance?
> I have seen a "attach_volume" method in the "LibvirtVolumeDriver" of the
> nova baremetal driver. So got curious.
> Thanks,
> Rohan Kanade
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