On 24/11/13 12:47 -0500, Doug Hellmann wrote:

On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 12:08 AM, Morgan Fainberg <m...@metacloud.com> wrote:

   In all honesty it doesn't matter which term we go with.  As long as we are
   consistent and define the meaning.  I think we can argue intuitive vs
   non-intuitive in this case unto the ground.  I prefer "project" to tenant,
   but beyond being a bit of an "overloaded" term, I really don't think anyone
   will really notice one way or another as long as everything is using the
   same terminology.  We could call it "grouping-of-openstack-things" if we
   wanted to (though I might have to pull some hair out if we go to that
terminology). However, with all that in mind, we have made the choice to move toward
   project (horizon, keystone, OSC, keystoneclient) and have some momentum
   behind that push (plus newer projects already use the project
   nomenclature).   Making a change back to tenant might prove a worse UX than
   moving everything else in line (nova I think is the one real major hurdle
to get converted over, and deprecation of keystone v2 API).

FWIW, ceilometer also uses project in our API (although some of our docs use
the terms interchangeably).

And, FWIW, Marconi uses project as well.


Flavio Percoco

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