On 25/11/13 09:28 +1000, Jamie Lennox wrote:
So the way we have this in keystone at least is that querying GET / will
return all available API versions and querying /v2.0 for example is a
similar result with just the v2 endpoint. So you can hard pin a version
by using the versioned URL.

I spoke to somebody the other day about the discovery process in
services. The long term goal should be that the service catalog contains
unversioned endpoints and that all clients should do discovery. For
keystone the review has been underway for a while now:
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38414/ the basics of this should be
able to be moved into OSLO for other projects if required.

Did you guys create your own 'home document' language? or did you base
it on some existing format? Is it documented somewhere? IIRC, there's
a thread where part of this was discussed, it was related to horizon.

I'm curious to know what you guys did and if you knew about
JSON-Home[0] when you started working on this.

We used json-home for Marconi v1 and we'd want the client to work in a
'follow your nose' way. Since, I'd prefer OpenStack modules to use the
same language for this, I'm curious to know why - if so - you
created your own spec, what are the benefits and if it's documented


[0] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-nottingham-json-home-02

Flavio Percoco

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