On 22/11/13 12:06 -0500, Julie Pichon wrote:
I don't think Selenium is going away, and efforts have started around
using it as well for our integration tests [0]. Looking at the current
AngularJS patch up for review, it is testable without requiring

While the Angular modules are testable in QUnit, it would be a boon to use the
testing patterns common with most Angular projects.  It would make new
developers, familiar with Angular but not Horizon, immediately familiar with the

QUnit is acceptable, but karma/jasmine is preferable

From the initial mailing list discussion [1], my understanding
is that we're planning on using a specific AngularJS feature, not
rewriting everything with it. Changing our build system to accommodate
this seems like getting a bit ahead of ourselves.

[1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-November/018850.html

To be clear, we're using a specific feature of Angular (the directive) to
introduce it into the existing Django templates; that's not the only feature of
Angular we're using. There are controllers & services behind the directive, but
using a directive is the cleanest way of integrating these features with the
existing templates.

Jordan O'Mara <jomara at redhat.com>
Red Hat Engineering, Raleigh

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