Hello everyone,

As some of you already know - in Hong-Kong during the last OpenStack
Summit - we ran a design session in the Nova topic titled "Docker
support in OpenStack". The session concluded in developing a new
OpenStack service for supporting containers instead of modifying Nova
to support both VMs and containers.

As said earlier, I am proposing a first draft of the spec for the
service. I've explicitly CC'ed all people who signed up at the end of
the design session.

Here is it: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/containers-service

Once we agree on the HTTP API and on the plugin API, the idea is to
implement a first simple version that would support mono-host. Then it
would evolve in multi-host really quickly by adding a scheduler and a
messaging layer (more details in the etherpad).

Please have a look if you're interested in using Containers (and
Docker) in OpenStack.

Thanks Russell for giving some early feedback.

Also, Krishna Raman from RedHat already gave a first shot at drafting
the Rest API:




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