We have diff in three repositories.
Nova, Neutron and devstack. Each review is requiring other to happen first.
Do you have recommendation how do we deal with these dependencies?


> On Nov 16, 2013, at 9:11 AM, Sean Dague <> wrote:
> For something to go in devstack, it has to be included in the base server 
> project. So first step is to work on getting your code upstream into the 
> relevant upstream.
> We don't preintegrate into devstack, because it's job is not to be a general 
> installer, it's to be an opinionated development setup tool for the existing 
> integrated projects, making it easier for people to develop and work with the 
> whole stack.
>    -Sean
>> On 11/15/2013 07:35 PM, Deepinder Singh Setia wrote:
>> I would like to add that the work in forked devstack is ongoing and not
>> complete. I am trying to understand what would it take to push these
>> changes upstream such as coding requirements, testing, code
>> organization, documentation  etc.
>> Thanks
>> Deepinder
>> From: Deepinder Setia < <>>
>> Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
>> <
>> <>>
>> Date: Friday, November 15, 2013 4:25 PM
>> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
>> <
>> <>>
>> Subject: [openstack-dev] Openstack + OpenContrail
>> I forked devstack a few weeks ago to integrate with OpenContrail at
>>  This installs and launches
>> OpenContrail in addition to openstack components.  OpenContrail provides
>> network virtualization components -  SDN controller, Virtual Router and
>> analytics  - via neutron and nova plugins along with other modules built
>> and launched when is run. Please see
>>  * -
>>  * 
>>  *
>> Bulk of the work is done by new file lib/neutron_thirdparty/contrail
>> such as cloning open contrail repo, building and launching contrail
>> modules. I also have directory called contrail under devstack which
>> includes:
>> 1. sample localrc files for setting up single or multi node openstack +
>>    open contrail system
>> 2. Support files and scripts needed by  lib/neutron_thirdparty/contrail
>>    functions
>> 3. Neutron and Nova patches needed by OpenStack. These plugins have
>>    been submitted for review. Once approved, I will get rid of code to
>>    patch them
>> I would like to understand the procedure, requirements and logistics  to
>> push these changes upstream to devstack repository.
>> Thanks
>> Deepinder
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