On Thu, 2013-11-07 at 20:40 -0500, David Ripton wrote:
> On 11/07/2013 07:54 PM, Sean Dague wrote:
> > On 11/08/2013 01:37 AM, Pedro Roque Marques wrote:
> >> Radomir,
> >> An extra issue that i don't believe you've covered so far is about comment 
> >> ownership. I've just read an email on the list that follows a pattern that 
> >> i've heard many complaints about:
> >>    -1 with a reasonable comment, submitter addresses the comment, reviewer 
> >> never comes back.
> >>
> >> Reviewers do need to allocate time to come back and follow up on the 
> >> answers to their comments.
> >>
> >> Perhaps there is an issue with the incentive system. You can earn karma by 
> >> doing a code review... certainly you want to incentivise developers that 
> >> help the project by improving the code quality. But if the incentive 
> >> system allows for "drive by shooting" code reviews that can be a problem.
> >
> > It's not really an incentive system problem, this is some place where
> > there are some gerrit limitations (especially when your list of reviewed
> > code is long). Hopefully once we get a gerrit upgrade we can dashboard
> > out some new items like that via the new rest API.
> >
> > I agree that reviewers could be doing better. But definitely also
> > realize that part of this is just that there is *so* much code to review.
> >
> > Realize that most core reviewers aren't ignoring or failing to come back
> > on patches intentionally. There is just *so* much of it. I feel guilty
> > all the time by how big a review queue I have, but I also need a few
> > hours a day not doing OpenStack (incredible to believe). This is where
> > non core reviewers can really help in addressing the first couple of
> > rounds of review to prune and improve the easy stuff.
> >
> > We're all in this together,
> Is there a way for Gerrit to only send email when action is required, 
> rather than on any change to any review you've touched?  If Gerrit sent 
> less mail, it would be easier to treat its mails as a critical call to 
> action to re-review.  (There's probably a way to use fancy message 
> filtering to accomplish this, but that would only work for people 
> willing/able to set up such filtering.)

I know you're discounting filtering here, but FWIW I filter on the email
body containing:

  Gerrit-Reviewer: Mark McLoughlin

so that I have all email related to reviews I'm subscribed to in a
single folder. I try hard to stay on top of this folder to avoid being a

I group the mails by thread, so I don't mind all the email gerrit sends
out but if e.g. I wanted to only see notifications of new patch sets I'd
filter on:

  Gerrit-MessageType: newpatchset


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