On 11/04/2013 11:41 AM, Sascha Peilicke wrote:
> On Monday 04 November 2013 10:52:21 Maxime Vidori wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I talked with Jiri Tomasek who is currently in charge of the integration of
>> Bootstrap V3 into Horizon. The integration is currently stuck and was
>> waiting for almost two month that lesscpy could parse the Bootstrap v3 less
>> template. I know that Nodejs was removed because of some dependencies
>> issues in production environment, but we do not need Node in production
>> environment.
We didn't had nodejs for a long time in fedora, because it used to
bundle a lot of code from other projects.
The other issue is, that is a quite fast moving project. When you want a
stable platform, you probably don't want to update every two to four
weeks to a newer minor-version, and probably want to avoid new major
versions at all.

So, it ended up in: we compiled LESS code offline and combined that with
the package. That is not ideal at all for folks changing the style to
give their dashboard another look. I assume, that's a pretty common

> Regardless of that, nodejs is a huge dependency of which not that many people 
> have long experience with. While I know that nodejs is the new fancy of web 
> development, things where radically different less than 2 years ago. It will 
> the same in 2 years from now. That's why distros want to avoid it if they 
> can. 
> You simply don't know how reliable upstream is. What happens if they need to 
> fix a security issue in that crappy old release that happens to be shipped 
> in, 
> say, openSUSE-12.2.
Exactly, just compare the binary size with the size of less sourcecode
in horizon sourcecode at all.

So, that being said, dropping lesscss in favor of re-integrating node.js
is a big step backwards. If there's something missing in lesscpy, we
should fix that.


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