From: Alex Glikson <<>>
Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 12:32 AM
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][scheduler] Instance Group Model and APIs - 
Updated document with an example request payload

Andrew Laski <<>> 
wrote on 29/10/2013 11:14:03 PM:
> [...]
> Having Nova call into Heat is backwards IMO.  If there are specific
> pieces of information that Nova can expose, or API capabilities to help
> with orchestration/placement that Heat or some other service would like
> to use then let's look at that.  Nova has placement concerns that extend
> to finding a capable hypervisor for the VM that someone would like to
> boot, and then just slightly beyond.


[Gary Kotton] When we proposed the initial VM ensembles this was one of the 
option that was considered. The guys from Heat did not like this approach. I 
like the idea and see it as something plumbable, for example like the 
networking module. This can be a pluggable scheduling interface that has a 
global picture of all of the systems resources.

>  If there are higher level
> decisions to be made about placement decisions I think that belongs
> outside of Nova, and then just tell Nova where to put it.

I wonder whether it is possible to find an approach that takes into account 
cross-resource placement considerations (VM-to-VM communicating over the 
application network, or VM-to-volume communicating over storage network), but 
does not require delivering all the intimate details of the entire environment 
to a single place -- which probably can not be either of 
Nova/Cinder/Neutron/etc.. but can we still use the individual schedulers in 
each of them with partial view of the environment to drive a placement decision 
which is consistently better than random?

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