Hi Phil

2013/10/21 Day, Phil <philip....@hp.com>:
> Hi Folks,
> I’m trying to track down a couple of obsecure issues in network port
> creation where it would be really useful if I could disable the async
> network allocation so that everything happens in the context of a single
> eventlet rather than two (and also rule out if there is some obscure
> eventlet threading issue in here).   I thought it was configurable – but I
> don’t see anything obvious in the code to go back to the old (slower)
> approach of doing network allocation in-lien in the main create thread ?

May I ask the meaning of  " async network allocation" ?

> One of the issues I’m trying to track is Neutron occasionally creating more
> than one port – I suspect a retry mechanism in the httplib2 is sending the
> port create request multiple times if  Neutron is slow to reply, resulting
> in Neutron processing it multiple times.  Looks like only the Neutron client
> has chosen to use httplib2 rather that httplib – anyone got any insight here
> ?

This is a quite interest findings. so If we use httplib, this won't happen?

> Sometimes of course the Neutron timeout results in the create request being
> re-scheduled onto another node (which can it turn generate its own set of
> port create requests).    Its the thread behavior around how the timeout
> exception is handled that I’m slightly nervous of (some of the retries seem
> to occur after the original network thread should have terminated).

I agree. The kind of unintentional retry causes issues.

> Thanks
> Phil


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