Thanks Subbu. It worked for me. Here is the review created: Also found some useful info here on Gerrit errors: RegardsSridhar Looks like a change id conflict with You are letting "git review" auto generate the change id right? For this case you could try "git commit --amend", remove the change id line if it matches the change id from this review and then run "git review" again. HTH.
- Subbu From: To: Subject: Error while executing 'git review' Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 18:34:29 +0530 Hi All, I worked on bug # 1176683 and fixed it. Commit is successful. sridhar@ubuntu:~/repo/neutron$ git status # On branch bug_id_1176683nothing to commit (working directory clean)sridhar@ubuntu:~/repo/neutron$ But getting following error while posting for review. sridhar@ubuntu:~/repo/neutron$ git reviewremote: Resolving deltas: 100% (4/4)remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done To ssh:// ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/for/master/bug/1176683 (change 52949 closed)error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://'sridhar@ubuntu:~/repo/neutron$ Could anyone help in resolving this issue ? RegardsSridhar
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