Clint Byrum <> wrote on 10/11/2013 12:40:19 PM:

> From: Clint Byrum <>
> To: openstack-dev <>
> Date: 10/11/2013 12:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] HOT Software orchestration
> proposal for workflows
> > 3. Ability to return arbitrary (JSON-compatible) data structure from
> > application and use attributes of that structure as an input for other
> > configs
> Note that I'd like to see more use cases specified for this ability. The
> random string generator that Steve Baker has put up should handle most
> cases where you just need passwords. Generated key sharing might best
> be deferred to something like Barbican which does a lot more than Heat
> to try and keep your secrets safe.

I had seen a deployment scenario that needed more than random string
generator. It was during the deployment of a system that has clustered
application servers, i.e., a cluster of application server nodes + a
cluster manager node. The deployment progresses by all the VMs
(cluster-manager and cluster-nodes) starting concurrently. Then the
cluster-nodes wait for the cluster-manager to send them data (xml) to
configure themselves. The cluster-manager after reading its own config
file, generates config-data for each cluster-node and sends it to them.

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