Hi all,

I've got code that is checking to see if a particular router has a public gateway set up, and if not, it wires up the gateway:

print "Checking %s router setup ... " % zone.upper(),
   router = qc.list_routers(name="demorouter")['routers']
   router = router[0]
   print "OK"
 except IndexError:
   print "MISSING"
   print "--> Creating missing router ... ",
   router_data = dict(name="demorouter", admin_state_up=True)
   router = qc.create_router(dict(router=router_data))['router']
   print "OK"

print "Checking %s router gateway ... " % zone.upper(),
if router['external_gateway_info'] is None:
  print "NOT SET"
  print "--> Setting external gateway for router ... ",
  pub_net_id = qc.list_networks(name="public")['networks'][0]['id']
  net_dict = dict(network_id=pub_net_id)
  qc.add_gateway_router(router['id'], net_dict)
  print "OK"
  print "OK"

The above code works just fine. The next thing I need to check is whether the private subnet is wired into the router. I cannot seem to determine how to list interfaces for a particular router.

I checked Horizon and it doesn't seem to have any idea how to do this either [1]. Is this just something that is missing from the Neutron API? If so, how do you suggest I determine if the demo router has been connected to the private subnet?

Thanks in advance for any help,

https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/master/openstack_dashboard/api/neutron.py lines 660-708

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