For Icehouse Keystone should support SAML. This is an attempt to pull together the various pieces necessary to make that happen.

The general apporach is that a Keystone will maintain a short lived set of user records for users that have presented valid SAML assertions. The assertions will be processed through a "mapping" backend and stored in the identity backend.

Morgan Fainberg is going to be reworking the Memcached backend so that it uses dogpile, the same mechanism that we are using for caching. Bascially, we will have one Key/Value Store backend, and then various drivers for mapping that to in memory, memcached, Cassandra, or any others that come up. I think we will continue to call this the Key/Value Store (KVS) backend.

Henry Nash is working on integrating multiple LDAP servers into Keystone. Each LDAP server backs a single domain. Each one gets its own mapping from LDAP calls to Identity based on a config file.

For Federation, we will want to use the KVS backend for identity. Thus, we need to be able to configure a domain or set of domains to store identity information in KVS. This will follow the pattern of Henry Nash's LDAP work.

We need to keep user IDs Globally unique. In addition, we need to ensure that a user Id can be mapped to the appropriate identity backend. This is slated to be discussed at the summit Federated ID session:

The diagram at the bottom of the federation blueprint shows how they are linked together.

We have a planned API freeze for Keystone in I2. Grizzly 2 was in Mid January. The Grizzly Summit was about 3 weeks early than the Icehouse summit, so if we go by a similar schedule, we should plan on having until the end of January to get this work done. If we wait until the Summit to get started, we will miss Icehouse.

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