On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Maru Newby <ma...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Is anyone working on/planning on adding support for neutron to grenade?
>  Or is there any other automated upgrade testing going on for neutron?

We deliberately avoided migrations in Grenade (like Nova Volume -> Cinder)
as we wanted to focus on upgrades within projects.  Migrations will
necessarily be much more complicated, especially Nova Network -> Neutron.
 At some point Neutron should be added to Grenade, but only as a release
upgrade step for some basic configuration.

That said, I'm sure there would be great appreciation for a recipe to
duplicate an existing Nova Network config in Neutron.  We can debate if
that belongs in Grenade should it ever exist...



Dean Troyer
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