I'm sure everyone has noticed, it's Feature Freeze time again, which means that everyone has eleventy-billion patches that need to land NOW. As always, we're discovering new and exciting scaling opportunities! The infra team has done a lot of work in prep for our favorite time of year, and we've actually landed several upgrades to the gate without which we'd be in particularly bad shape right now. (I'll let Jim write about some of them later when he's not battling the current operational issues - they're pretty spectacular) As with many scaling issues, some of these upgrades have resulted in moving the point of pain further along the stack. We're working on solutions to the current pain points. (Or, I should say they are, because I'm on a plane headed to Burning Man and not useful for much other than writing emails.) Which brings me to - the gate queue is really long right now. As much technology as we are bringing to bear on the problem, it's just a reality. That means everyone gets antsy and wants their stuff to land RIGHT NOW. I get it- I'm probably the most impatient person in the world. However, as the tl;dr says above, we're seeing folks hitting Approve before the upload check passes. That may seem expedient, but failures in the gate itself are actually quite costly, as they cause everything behind it to stack up. If the check queue can catch an error, we REALLY need it to right now, because we need every little bit of help we can get. So to summarize: PLEASE DO NOT APPROVE PATCHES BEFORE THE CHECK JOBS HAVE FINISHED At least not this week. Thanks! Monty _______________________________________________ OpenStack-dev mailing list OpenStack-dev@lists.openstack.org http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev