On Aug 18, 2013 3:58 PM, "Jay Pipes" <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 08/18/2013 03:53 AM, Joshua Harlow wrote:
>> I always just liked SQL as the database abstraction layer ;)
>> On a more serious note I think novas new object model might be a way to
go but in all honesty there won't be a one size fits all solution. I just
don't think sqlalchemy is that solution personally (maybe if we just use
sqlalchemy core it will be better and eject just the orm layer).
> What is specifically wrong with SQLAlchemy's ORM layer? What would you
replace it with? Why would use SQLAlchemy's "core" be better?
> I've seen little evidence that SQLAlchemy's ORM layer is the cause for
database performance problems. Rather, I've found that the database schemas
in use -- and in some cases, the *way* that the SQLAlchemy ORM is called
(for example, doing correlated subqueries instead of straight joins) -- are
primary causes for database performance issues.

>From what I have seen the issue is both the queries and the ORM layer. See
https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1212418  for details.

> Note, I'm not speaking about database scalability issues but rather pure
query performance...
> Best,
> -jay
>> On Aug 16, 2013, at 12:07 PM, "Jay Pipes" <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 08/16/2013 02:41 PM, Mark Washenberger wrote:
>>>> I think the issue here for glance is whether or not oslo common code
>>>> makes it easier or harder to make other planned improvements. In
>>>> particular, using openstack.common.db.api will make it harder to
>>>> refactor away from a giant procedural interface for the database
>>> And towards what? A giant object-oriented interface for the database
>>> -jay
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