On 08/16/2013 09:52 AM, Boris Pavlovic wrote:
> Hi all, 
> We (OpenStack contributors) done a really huge and great work around DB
> code in Grizzly and Havana to unify it, put all common parts into
> oslo-incubator, fix bugs, improve handling of sqla exceptions, provide
> unique keys, and to use  this code in different projects instead of
> custom implementations. (well done!)
> oslo-incubator db code is already used by: Nova, Neutron, Cinder,
> Ironic, Ceilometer. 
> In this moment we finished work around Glance: 
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/36207/
> And working around Heat and Keystone.
> So almost all projects use this code (or planing to use it)
> Probably it is the right time to start work around moving oslo.db code
> to separated lib.
> We (Roman, Viktor and me) will be glad to help to make oslo.db lib:
> E.g. Here are two drafts:
> 1) oslo.db lib code: https://github.com/malor/oslo.db
> 2) And here is this lib in action:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/42159/
> <https://review.openstack..org/#/c/42159/>


Great job Boris!

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