On 07/24/2013 05:39 AM, Day, Phil wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> I'm inclined to agree with others that I'm not sure you need the complexity 
> that this BP brings to the system.    If you want to provide a user with a 
> choice about how much overcommit they will be exposed to then doing that in 
> flavours and the aggregate_instance_extra_spec filter seems the more natural 
> way to do this, since presumably you'd want to charge differently for those 
> and the flavour list is normally what is linked to the pricing model.  
> I also like the approach taken by the recent changes to the ram filter where 
> the scheduling characteristics are defined as properties of the aggregate 
> rather than separate stanzas in the configuration file.
> An alternative, and the use case I'm most interested in at the moment, is 
> where we want the user to be able to define the scheduling policies on a 
> specific set of hosts allocated to them (in this case they pay for the host, 
> so if they want to oversubscribe on memory/cpu/disk then they should be able 
> to).  The basic framework for this is described in this BP 
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/whole-host-allocation and the 
> corresponding wiki page (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/WholeHostAllocation. 
>    I've also recently posted code for the basic framework built as a wrapper 
> around aggregates (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38156/, 
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38158/ ) which you might want to take a look 
> at.
> Its not clear to me if what your proposing addresses an additional gap 
> between this and the combination of the aggregate_extra_spec filter + revised 
> filters to get their configurations from aggregates) ?

I really like your point about not needing to set things up via a config
file.  That's fairly limiting since you can't change it on the fly via
the API.

Russell Bryant

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