It's already possible to port-create with an IP address-and-subnet
specified, which seems like an effective way of allocating an address
and setting it aside for later.  Doesn't this satisfy your needs?


On 16 July 2013 19:42, Mark McClain <> wrote:
> Have you considered altering the allocation range of a subnet?  You can still 
> create ports with IPs that are within the subnet, but outside of the 
> allocation range.  You can then control which instances get the "reserved" 
> IPs from the block that is outside of the allocation range.  If this does not 
> work, I'd hold off making changes to the IPAM setup as this will be changing 
> in early H3.
> mark
> On Jul 15, 2013, at 7:50 AM, Cristian Tomoiaga <> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I am working on implementing fixed IP reservation for tenants. My goal is to 
>> be able to reserve fixed IPs for a tenant and avoid as much as possible the 
>> "ephemeral" state of an IP.
>> A basic workflow would be like this:
>> Tenant or admin reserves one or more fixed IPs. He will than be able to use 
>> one or more of those reserved IPs on his instances (assign them to ports, 
>> support multiple IPs per port).
>> If no/not enough fixed IPs are reserved, use the current IPAM implementation 
>> otherwise allow the tenant to select from his reserved IPs and then go 
>> through the current IPAM.
>> I am using fixed routable and non-routable IPs for public and private 
>> networks (provider network , no NAT and no tagging). I will also use 
>> floating IPs for LB, DNS a.s.o.
>> I have a few questions regarding the development of this since the 
>> documentation is still being worked on and I have to dig through the code a 
>> lot to understand a few things:
>> 1. nova reserve-fixed-ip, this belongs to nova-network now obsolete right ?
>> 2. I though of creating a new model (mainly a db table) to hold the IPs and 
>> the tenant IDs in order to keep the association. I've done this for the 
>> openvswitch plugin in ovs_models_v2 by adding a new model. I can probably do 
>> this globally in /db directly right (especially if I plan on supporting 
>> multiple plugins) ?
>> 3. I was planning on adding to Neutron the api calls nova has for fixed IPs 
>> (ex: fixed-ip-get, reserve, unreserve) Does this seem right ? I am asking 
>> because I believe there is some work towards a new IPAM implementation and I 
>> would like to get some thoughts. I am also asking because to me it seems a 
>> little bit confusing that nova can also manage IPs and I am not sure if/what 
>> functions are
>> obsolete there.
>> 4. This should go as an extension first (as far as I understand for the 
>> docs). Add the extension to extend the Neutron API and modify the current 
>> IPAM right ?
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Cristian Tomoiaga
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