Is there ever a situation where you would use tenant_id and not want
all_tenants=1? If there is then I can maybe see leaving it, but if
tenant_id implies all_tenants=1 then IMHO it's rather poor to force the
user to remember to set it.
To be honest, as someone fairly new to OpenStack I found it very
unintuitive that a request made as an admin user doesn't behave as
though it came from an admin unless an extra option is set. By way of
analogy, I feel like this would be similar to if vim required you to do
"# vim --as-root some-file" to edit a file as root. I already
authenticated as root (or admin), why are you forcing me to reiterate
that I am? If I don't want admin privileges I won't use an admin user.
/my 2 cents
On 2013-06-17 12:12, Chris Behrens wrote:
The original intent behind 'all_tenants=1' was whether or not to
include all instances for all tenants in the filtering process.
Basically it means "Should I operate as admin or not?". I still view
it this way, and would prefer it still mean this (although it might be
more clear with a different name).
This means that if you're an admin… you're not treated as one UNTIL
you specify all_tenants=1. So technically I think specifying a
'tenant_id' filter should raise or do whatever it does for a normal
user. I don't think specifying a 'tenant_id' filter should mean that
we automatically turn 'all_tenants' on.
I don't see the bug deal in needing to remember to use all_tenants=1
so that all instances will be filtered, not just the instances belong
to the admin user.
My opinion,
- Chris
On Jun 16, 2013, at 11:09 PM, Aarti Mahesh Kriplani
<> wrote:
Hello all,
There have been a few contrasting views on this bug
[1]< [1]>.
I would really like some views on how we want to use the
all-tenenats flag going ahead.
Aarti _______________________________________________
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