On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 12:17 PM Henri Beauchamp <sl...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Sadly, you used an LLSD sub-array into the LLSD map, and "old" viewers > (i.e. all viewers not based on LL's v3 viewer code for the XML RPC part) > do not know what to do with such an array (they can only deal with simple > key/value pairs, not with key/arrays); this was the case of my viewer > (but I thankfully and by pure "luck" noticed the issue a few weeks before > LL did stealthily modify the login server on the main grid, because the > beta grid already had the changes which caused me to fail to login in it > at that time, and I could diagnose and fix the issue). > All else aside: In the future, if you notice something on aditi adversely affects your viewer, please don't be shy about raising it on this list or in a JIRA. An early heads up may be helpful to other viewer devs, or it will make it more feasible for the company to alter or postpone a change.
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