Greetings on a pleasant Sunday morning! I am updating Radegast and LibreMetaverse to support HTTP asset fetching via ViewerAsset capability. (
I have scoured the wiki for API doc on ViewerAsset, and one does not exist publicly. I have gotten most of it to work, but I need to know what exactly is and is NOT supported. It appears textures, mesh, sound, animations, landmarks, do indeed work, and this seems to cover the bulk of what was obsoleted and removed. However, the viewer code would suggest any asset type should be downloadable, but when I attempt to use the scheme GET http://<cap_url>/?<asset type>_id=<asset id> notecard, lsltext, and other asset types return “Invalid Syntax”. So my question is, what asset types are supported? Is migration to HTTP ongoing? eg. Will notecards and scripts be moved to the capability away from UDP? If so, I will simply handle the error code and fallback. If there’s no plan to move them, I won’t bother with that and leave fetching on UDP for unsupported types.
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