We’ve had OpenJPEG 1.5.1 running solidly on Alchemy for years now. I can put together some patches to get it working. -- Cinder Roxley Sent with Airmail
On January 17, 2017 at 9:03:11 AM, Nat Goodspeed (n...@lindenlab.com <mailto:n...@lindenlab.com> ) wrote: Nat Goodspeed <n...@lindenlab.com> erian <nickyper...@gmail.com> wrote: > https://bitbucket.org/lindenlab/p64_3p-openjpeg/pull-requests/2 > > Please take this in and then provide for the updated archives in the viewer. > I also received a report that the missing texture issue is in macOS when > using openjpeg-1.5.1. There are admittedly painful aspects to the two-step autobuild mechanism: (1) rebuild the 3p package and (2) update every consumer. However, one of the benefits of that approach is that we can adjust the version of a given 3p package consumed by (e.g.) the viewer without actually having to revert the 3p repository source. We can just change back the package URL specified in the viewer's autobuild.xml. > Or, if the problem with 1.5.1 is easily corrected.... Please forgive me if this should already be on my plate, but I don't recall a Jira about the openjpeg 1.5.1 issues? Does 1.5.1 fail to load texture files that are correctly handled by 1.5.0? I think Cinder has a point: if we can move forward with 1.5.1, we should. _______________________________________________ Policies and (un)subscribe information available here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/OpenSource-Dev Please read the policies before posting to keep unmoderated posting privileges
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