On Sun, 4 Oct 2015 21:50:39 -0700, Ricky wrote:

> Just a quickie, trying to avoid digging through the viewer code myself to
> be sure:
> When a folder that is in the trash is purged, what calls to the server does
> the client make?
> I'm debugging an OpenSim derivative,

I don't know what you are trying to debug, but just in case, be aware
that at least one such "derivatives", in use on OSGrid, does not obey
the purge trash messages sent by the viewer (it looks like the trash
gets emptied, but on relog, the purged items will reappear in it):
it's totally weird and IMO a pure non-sense but in OSGrid, if you want
to purge your trash, you must login into their web site and purge it
from there...
I myself lost quite some time (GRRRR !) trying to figure out why I
couldn't purge my trash (and searched pointlessly for a bug in my
viewer), till I found out this totally quirky (and unique: I didn't
encounter it on any other grid) "feature" of OSGrid.

> and just noticed that it seems that
> there's a difference in the calls when the folder being purged has children
> and when it doesn't.  Trying to confirm that there is an actual difference
> or if something else in this complex system is interacting...

The relevant call in the viewer code is remove_inventory_category()
(in llviewerinventory.cpp).
When connected to a non-AISv3 (which is the case for OpenSIM), it
either sends to the server a single RemoveInventoryFolder UDP message
when the folder is empty or, for each child folder (recursively, via
the destructor of the LLRemoveCategoryOnDestroy class), a
PurgeInventoryDescendents UDP message (via purge_descendents_of())
followed with a RemoveInventoryFolder UDP message; the process is
recursively repeated till the purged inventory folder is empty (at
which point a last RemoveInventoryFolder message is sent for the
purged parent folder).

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