On February 4, 2015 at 2:18:55 PM, Nicky Perian (nickyper...@gmail.com) wrote:
I know I'm not the sharpest knife in the draw especially when it come to
python. But, if I am reading this code snip from SingularityViewer develop.py
correctly a command line build using devenv.com is executed each time it finds
visual studio and does not use it for Express because it isn't present in
environment = self.find_visual_studio()
if environment == '':
environment = self.find_visual_studio_express()
if environment == '':
environment = self.find_visual_studio_express_single()
if environment == '':
print >> sys.stderr, "Something went very wrong during
build stage, could not find a Visual Studio?"
print >> sys.stderr, "\nSolution generation complete, it
can can now be found in:", build_dirs[0]
print >> sys.stderr, "\nAs you are using an Express Visual
Studio, the build step cannot be automated"
print >> sys.stderr, "\nPlease see
for Visual Studio Express specific information"
Either you’ve intentionally removed msbuild from this block of code or your
sources are well out of date. -_-
Cinder Roxley
Sent with Airmail
# devenv.com is CLI friendly, devenv.exe... not so much.
return ('"%sdevenv.com" %s.sln /build %s' %
(self.find_visual_studio(), self.project_name, self.build_type))
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