Great stuff! * STORM-34 : As a User, I want a list of my favorite locations available on the login screen so i can log in to SL right where I want to be. Works well in 217881, Mac client. Ghosted (and disabled) before login. Once enabled, favorites appear in drop-down, and logging in to a saved Favorite location works as expected.
* STORM-242 : Server version dialog message has incorrect release notes link (modulo one build issue fixed...) Nice one! I've occasionally noticed incorrect release notes links in the past, but always chalked it up to incorrect link data coming from the server. Tested in developer build 217881, Mac client while flying around the multi-region Caledon community, and when crossing into regions on different versions the links worked correctly. * STORM-398 : Message from nearby chat appears for avatar in Busy mode Works well in build 217881, Mac client. * STORM-466 : 2.x minimap cannot be reset to default zoom. Works great in developer build 217881, Mac client. Woohoo for Default Zoom! * STORM-467 : 2.x minimap zoom does not persist to the next session. Works well in developer build 217881, Mac client. * STORM-485 : 'Cancel' button exceed the bounds of 'Group Invitation' floater. Works in developer build 217881. Mac client :) * STORM-682 : IM and notification toasts appear in wrong position if switch on mouse look when side tray is expanded In developer build 217881, Mac client, works well (but only after I remember to re-enable incoming IM popups haha) * STORM-737 : Inventory Recent tab is missing "+" control at bottom of panel Developer build 217881, Mac client. Only the New Folder option is grayed out when using the + menu on the recent tab. Works as I'd expect. On Dec 27, 2010, at 11:55 PM, Philippe (Merov) Bossut wrote: > Hi, > > We're having a lot of JIRAs in the "In Review" swim lane for sprint 9 waiting > for reviews from PO and/or devs. I created a Mac binary (others building > right now) for those: > > > JIRAs merged in there: > * STORM-34 : As a User, I want a list of my favorite locations available on > the login screen so i can log in to SL right where I want to be. > * STORM-242 : Server version dialog message has incorrect release notes link > (modulo one build issue fixed...) > * STORM-398 : Message from nearby chat appears for avatar in Busy mode > * STORM-466 : 2.x minimap cannot be reset to default zoom. > * STORM-467 : 2.x minimap zoom does not persist to the next session. > * STORM-485 : 'Cancel' button exceed the bounds of 'Group Invitation' floater. > * STORM-682 : IM and notification toasts appear in wrong position if switch > on mouse look when side tray is expanded > * STORM-737 : Inventory Recent tab is missing "+" control at bottom of panel > * STORM-805 : The world map can point to the wrong URL > > Cheers, > - Merov > _______________________________________________ > Policies and (un)subscribe information available here: > > Please read the policies before posting to keep unmoderated posting privileges
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