On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Opensource Obscure
<opensourceobsc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hopefully they're actually not violating TPVP and could apply for
> inclusion in the Directory, but it's a bit hard to trust them right now.
> (what do you think?)

There is a stricter requirement to be listed in the Third Party Viewer
list than to actually connect to the SL Grid, so the fact they are a
closed source solution, whist fine with the TPVP in general, would not
allow them to be listed due to clause 6.a.iv.B/C, but would allow them
to be used to connect.

The other issue is, if they are using a central server to perform the
connection to SL then transmitting revelant data to your handset,
unless they have been very clever to avoid TPV clause 2.e, and it
seems to be this that is mentioned in the linked discussion, then that
would be considered a serious issue by LL, even if they had all good

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