
viewer-development is the repository for daily work, the 'trunk'. Things 
checked in there go into the development viewer; the expectation is that those 
things are ready for release -- but it doesn't always work out that way.

When we want to start the release process, we pull to viewer-beta. That goes 
through our integration QA process; every change in beta should be approved in 
advance, and also pulled over to viewer-development. Sometimes it goes the 
other way but we're trying to minimize that.

We release betas approximately weekly. When we believe we have reached release 
stability, we pull beta to viewer-release and ship that as an "official" 
viewer. That will happen about monthly.

The full explanation is here:


On Oct 26, 2010, at 2:32 PM, Ponzu wrote:

> Can someone briefly summarize how these two repositories are being used.  It 
> looks sort of like they are being kept very much in lock-step, with merges, 
> pushes, and pulls. 
> thanks,
> ponzu
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