Coincidentally right next to Boroondas's message in my gmail was a message about a change in a years old jira issue I created.
Part of the change was to add the words "As a user," to the Summary field. They also changed the importance from minor to major. I suspect these two actions are connected. I suspect that people are reading instructions that give them the impression that if they want issues to get proper consideration they need to put "As a user" at the beginning of the description field. Personally it seems kind of stupid to me to make people type the phrase "As a user" or similar in the beginning of a text field. If that information is important it should be be in a separate field with a dropdown list of cholces. Then you could sort and filter issues based on "Reporter-Type". On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Boroondas Gupte <> wrote: > As a user of the Second Life issue tracker (jira) who often sorts or > searches through others' issues, I'd like people creating or editing issues > to place the (sometimes lengthy) user stories into the *Description*field, > *not* the *Summary* field. *The summary should be as short as possible*while > still conveying what the issue is about. The role for whom the issue > matters (i.e. "As a ..., I ...") and the specifics of the motivation / > reason for the issue are important when examining a single issue, but aren't > too helpful when looking for duplicates of other issues or when searching > for already existing issues of a wish or problem you have. > > Even worse, because the space for displaying the summary is very limited in > some of the greenhopper views, you often only see the "As a ..." part while > the rest gets cut off, so you can't tell at one glance what an issue being > discussed is about at all. > > Think of an issue as a little book. The story you want to tell belongs to > the inside (the description). On the cover (summary), you want the story's > title (catchy and ideally different from the title of other books), not the > first chapter. > > What do you think? > > Cheers, > Boroondas > > _______________________________________________ > Policies and (un)subscribe information available here: > > Please read the policies before posting to keep unmoderated posting > privileges > -- v i r t u a l w o r l d e n t h u s i a s t -- u e z a n n e --
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