Do I understand you correctly that new accounts can make their name anything including existing account names?
________________________________ From: Kelly Linden <> To: Jesse Barnett <> Cc:; Baloo Uriza <> Sent: Thu, August 19, 2010 11:27:21 AM Subject: Re: [opensource-dev] display names = the end of 1.x viewers? On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 4:18 AM, Jesse Barnett <> wrote: baloo198731.resident Plenty of names available. > I just wanted to point out that this theoretical new user's username would be baloo198731, it would not be baloo198731.resident. The 'Resident' isn't really a part of a new user's identity. It is only shown to viewers that do not support display names and legacy LSL script calls - in other words that last name is only there when required for backwards compatibility.
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